BDÜ media library

Video clips and audio files about BDÜ and professional aspects of interpreting and translating

Court interpreting today – A simulated court trial

Published February 1, 2014

“Gerichtsdolmetschen heute” event on October 6, 2010 at the jury court room 600 of the Nuremberg District Court (Memorium Nuremberg trials).

© BDÜ Landesverband Bayern e.V.

Interpreters Translators

More than 7,500 professional linguists for more than 80 languages and numerous areas of specialization


Continuous professional development and entrepreneurial skills – throughout Germany

Press contact

Réka Maret
Press and Media Officer

Phone: +49 30 88 71 28 35
Fax: +49 30 88 71 28 40
E-Mail: presse(at)

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Translators/ interpreters

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