Membership in BDÜ

Become a part of a large community and benefit from the association's strength

Benefit from the broad range of services and the lobby activities of Germany's largest professional association of the industry whether you are an interpreter, in-house translator or student. Remain current professionally and attend one of the nationally offered seminars on topics such as marketing, specalized translations or translation memory systems.

The association also offers its members discounted rates on a large number of insurance policies. Furthermore, benefit from the advantages of a large network with like-minded people in the form of regional group meetings and the award-winning MeinBDÜ platform.

More interesting information on the association and our mission statement is available on our website.


Full members:
  • Recognized professional degree
  • Completion of a degree and prof of many years of practice as a translator and/or interpreter
Student members:
  • Enrollment in a translation studies degree

Refer to the Aufnahmeordnung for additional information on the terms of admission (only available in German).

Associate members:
  • Companies/institutions
  • Interested in promoting the profession

Information (available in German)

Within the chapters:
  • For interpreters and translators
  • For students

Offices of the

In the Federal Association:
  • For associations
  • For associate members

Federal Head Office



Conveniently apply for
membership online
  • Call up the membership application (only available in German)
  • Select the chapter and type of membership
  • Fill out the membership application and follow the instructions on the screen
  • Sign the filled out application and send it to the address specified with all documents


Interpreters Translators

More than 7,500 professional linguists for more than 80 languages and numerous areas of specialization


Continuous professional development and entrepreneurial skills – throughout Germany

Information for clients

Translators/ interpreters

Our profession

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