Online database for translators and interpreters

More than 7,500 professional linguists for more than 80 languages and numerous areas of specialization

Job postings

Current job postings for interpreters and translators are available here
(only available in German)

Post a job offer:
Phone: +49 30 88712833
E-mail: service(at)

Information on posting job offers is available here
(only available in German)

Welcome to the BDÜ website –

the professional association of interpreters and translators in Germany

With a membership of over 7,500 translators and interpreters, BDÜ (Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators) is the industry's largest professional association. BDÜ represents about 80% of all translators and interpreters who belong to a professional association in Germany and has been a point of contact for trade, industry, policymaking and education since 1955. The association is headquartered in Berlin and is an umbrella organization to 13 chapters – 12 regional chapters and one professional chapter (the Association of Conference Interpreters within the BDÜ (VKD)).

BDÜ offers member benefits such as various types of insurance (some of which are available exclusively to members residing in Germany). Have a look around the English sections of our website. If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The German print magazine for translation and interpretation

Our profession

Would you like to know how to become an interpreter or translator and what the job requires? To find out more, and for more in-depth information on working for official authorities and with interpreting, click the link below.

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About us

Would you like to learn more on the objectives, tasks and services of our professional association? Read here how BDÜ actively supports its members and is committed to superior quality and professionalism.

Go to the BDÜ mission statement

Awarding assignments

How much does a translation cost? What fees do interpreters charge? How do I find a good interpreter or translator? Important advice for the quality that you need to be successful.

Learn more

Professional development

Lifelong learning is indispensable for interpreters and translators to render high-quality services in our profession. The broad portfolio of BDÜ seminars offers inexpensive options for this.

Check out our seminar catalogue (in German)

BDÜ media library

Go here for information on the profession of interpreters and translators as well as the BDÜ association activities as video and audio files.

Learn more

Join now!

The Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ), with over 7,500 members, is the industry's largest German professional association. BDÜ represents around 80% of all translators and interpreters who belong to a professional association in Germany and is a point of contact for trade, industry, policymaking and education. The association has represented the interests of interpreters and translators for nearly 60 years – both in Germany and abroad.

A BDÜ membership stands for quality: all members have proven their professional qualification before being accepted to the association. BDÜ contributes to quality assurance for its members' professional lives with a comprehensive training program.

As the umbrella organization, BDÜ represents the 13 associated chapters (headquartered in Berlin). While most chapters are regionally based, the Professional Association of Conference Interpreters in BDÜ (VKD) is specifically geared to conference interpreters.

To apply for BDÜ membership, please contact the offices of the chapter you would like to join or download the application documents from the website of your preferred chapter.

The offices of the chapters provide information on BDÜ membership. Our online application, which can be filled out conveniently online, offers all important documents for download and additional information.

Information for clients

Translators/ interpreters

Our profession

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