Objectives and aims

The Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ)) has represented the interests of interpreters and translators for nearly 60 years – both in Germany and abroad.

BDÜ represents around 80% of all translators and interpreters who belong to a professional association in Germany and is a point of contact for political institutions, industry, trade and education.

The BDÜ mission statement offers a detailed overview of our basic principles and our associations's activities.

General aims

  • Regulate the access to the professions of interpreting and translating
  • Enhance training and professional development by adding practical relevance and conveying in-depth knowledge of specific subject areas (specialization)
  • Standardize professional interpreting and translating examinations
  • Achieve Germany-wide standardized regulation of the certification, accreditation and public appointment of interpreters and translators
  • Achieve nationwide standardized guidelines for translations of official documents
  • Inform the general public about the work of interpreters and translators and the importance of these professions for the nation and society in general
  • Lobby legislative, judicial and public authorities and the top-level bodies representing trade and industry

BDÜ's specific commitments

  • Enhance its members’ qualifications by organizing its own portfolio of professional development events
  • Promote appropriate fees and working conditions
  • Advocate proper compliance with the regulations on engaging and remunerating sworn interpreters and sworn or accredited translators for services to judicial and public administrative bodies
  • Lobby for improvements to relevant German legislation, such as the German Judicial Remuneration and Compensation Act (JVEG)
  • Foster cooperation and exchange of ideas among BDÜ members by arranging regional meetings and other events

Interpreters Translators

More than 7,500 professional linguists for more than 80 languages and numerous areas of specialization


Continuous professional development and entrepreneurial skills – throughout Germany

Information for clients

Translators/ interpreters

Our profession

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